Website Legitimacy

Union Brothers and Sisters,

This web site and application has been in development for nearly 20 years and it only took that long because I tried to do it all on my own. I finally enlisted the help of some pretty smart developers and coders and here we are today. I want to be very transparent with you about the legitimacy of it, provide you a timeline of the conception of it, and when development of it began. 

I have used this method almost the entirety of my union career and very rarely relied on a call from the hall for work. The methods I deployed simply worked and contractors do appreciate the lengths you take to keep working and it says a lot about your character and drive and your commitment to your career as a union carpenter.

On April 2, 2006, I wrote a letter to the International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America about my idea for this web site and even offered them their participation in it .

In the end, they did decline my offer stating they do not offer an opinion on the usefulness or business prospects of my website.

I totally respect their decision and will honor their request not to use any union graphics, names, logos, emblems, or any union labels or text on the marketing pages or funnel of this website, referring to any regional council or district and not claiming any support from the International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, “BUT LET ME BE CLEAR”,

The current president of the UBC did however, wish me good luck with my endeavors on the Internet and as a union carpenter.

Except for this one page, you will not see anything in connection with the union or any names or identifying text used, or any claim of support or endorsement from the union or any local or regional council or district.

Below is a copy of the letter I wrote to The International and a copy of their response letter to me from Washington, DC.

I wanted to share these letters with you to show you that they are aware of this web site and my intention of hosting a custom resume creation service for the exclusive use of union carpenters as a power tool and aid in securing employment through open solicitation. 

Although they declined my offer of participation, they don’t have a problem with me going forward with it either as long as I respect their wishes outlined in their correspondence with me.

Be assured that you too, will not have a problem using the services of this site as long as you also respect the content of their letter below. 

In all the areas of the template, unless you gain specific permission for the graphics you want to use, it remains the responsibility of you, the end user and subscriber of this website service, as to the use of any union labels, emblems or graphics of any kind that hold any kind of copyright, in your resume.

I can tell you right now, you will not be given permission for use of the international emblem but it may be possible to gain permission to use your locals emblem to represent yourself. 

Union Carpenters Resumes.Com will not be held responsible for any inclusion of emblems or graphics into your resume.

Your inclusion of union graphics, labels or emblems does however, in my humble opinion, fall under the fair use provisions of US Copyright Law, so long as you are a genuine member of your local and in good standing. Any questions, email me!

My letter to them.

April 2,2006

Harold M. Figgs Jr. Journeyman Carpenter

To Whom It May Concern:

A Proposal to the International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America.

Dear Sirs,
My name is Harold M. Figgs Jr. and I am a member of Carpenters Local #626 of New Castle, Delaware. I have been a member of my local since March 27, 1997. I am writing to you on this day to make a proposal to you about a service I would like to provide to all union carpenters and a technique in which I have been using to solicit work for myself.
This technique has worked quite well for me and I would like to offer it as a service to other union carpenters as well in an aid to help them in their own job search and solicitation efforts.
I have created a web site that will explain the entire concept to you and offer the service to union carpenters. It is located at What I would like for you or the powers to be to do is to take a serious look at my web site and critique it completely and give me your honest opinion about what I am trying to do. I am open to any suggestions or changes you would like to offer or see.
If I can gain the endorsement of my web site and the service I would like to provide to other union carpenters, and the permission to use copyrighted graphics, I am prepared to enter into a legally binding contract with The International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America.
I have researched this project for almost three years and have spent the last year developing my web site. My domain name was created on November 4, 2004 and I have put a lot of hard work into this site. Gentleman, the last thing I want to do is break any rules of The International or step on any toes. If you respond back and say no thank you and that I should not take this any further, I will immediately pull the plug and pull the web site. This web site is brand new and is not as of yet live or has not been advertised in any way, nor has it been submitted or registered with any search engine. I furthermore, have not discussed this with anyone other than my wife. You, sirs and your endorsement are the last piece of the puzzle to put into place. If this is a project you would like to talk more about, please contact me so that we may initiate contract negotiations. I eagerly await your response.

Harold M. Figgs Jr.
Local Union # 626
New Castle, Delaware 19702

Their response to me
approximately five weeks later.

I want to reiterate that the names and logo below are in no way an endorsement of this web site.

You will not see them repeated anywhere on the main pages of this web site.

As you can see, this return letter was signed by Douglass J. McCarron himself and I want to thank him for his honest opinion and his unopposed position of me moving forward with this project and website.  My own profile and resume on this site.

I want to reiterate again that the names and logo above are in no way an endorsement of this web site. You will not see them repeated anywhere on the main marketing pages or funnels of this web site.

If you have any other questions,
please send me an email anytime.

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